Training to be a teacher of the Alexander Technique can be one of the most interesting experiences of one's life. This work is incredibly unique, and a good training should offer the opportunity to have that uniqueness continually brought forward. Most of us are overly-tuned to associating our experience and understanding to what we already know and do. This changes with study and practice of the Alexander Technique and we gain an increased ability and comfort in going from the known to the unknown.
“When I first decided to train to be an Alexander Technique teacher, I had to move somewhere, because there was no training course in my city. I could have gone anywhere—London, New York, etc.—to seek out superior training. But I decided on the Oregon Center for the Alexander Technique because my husband and I wanted to live in Portland. What a stroke of luck! I DID get superior training with Rebecca. She is a truly remarkable teacher who trains from a deep immersion in F.M. Alexander’s writings, a keen understanding of contemporary neuroscience, a strong sense of pedagogy and highly skilled use of the hands. Not long after I graduated I had the chance to go to London and work with a number of teachers on a postgraduate course there and I found myself perfectly at ease and fully prepared. I highly recommend Rebecca and OCAT.”
The teacher training offered at the Oregon Center for the Alexander Technique preserves the highest historic standards of training. F. M. Alexander's writings and the historic manual teaching practices are preserved as the core guide in training. Modern neuroscience is referenced in support of Alexander's understanding of functioning and the practices of the Alexander Technique. Innovations brought into the field are studied and evaluated against the books, historic practices and solid science. Then, and only then, they may be adopted and added to teacher training. Each trainee's use is improved to a standard that will support them as teachers and be the foundation experience of their ability to understand and teach their students in turn. Graduates are able to teach the widest range of students and aid them in their particular needs. Trainees gain the ability to speak clearly and accurately about the Alexander Technique to anyone, and upon graduation they are able to teach in any setting. Graduates have a solid foundation from which to continue improving their own use and build strong teaching practices. It is also an aim of OCAT teacher training to support the trainee in judging good technical and theoretical expertise in others, and hopefully also help preserve this valuable work.
Generally, people become interested in training to be a teacher because of the benefits they've experienced by taking lessons themselves. If at all possible, arrange to visit Portland and spend a few mornings in class with us. For more detailed information on training and to apply to the course, please contact the Director, Rebecca Robbins.
Prior experience with lessons is required before entering training.
When accepted into training you may start at any time.
The training year runs from September through the middle of July.
Training is a minimum of three years.
Class currently meets from 9am to 12:30pm, Tuesday through Fridays.
Class meets in six week blocks with one week mid-term breaks, and breaks between Fall, Winter and Spring terms.
OCAT offers an excellent training at one of the most affordable fees available: $6,500.00 per year.
“Rebecca Robbins’s work as Director of OCAT (Oregon Center for the Alexander Technique) is of great quality. Her teachings and training of future teachers are clear and consistent. I certified as an Alexander Teacher with Rebecca and I highly recommend her training course.”
“I studied the Alexander Technique with Rebecca privately until I joined (and graduated from) OCAT’s Teaching Training course. Studying and training with her was one of the most important experiences of my life. She is a superb teacher, with a warm, sensitive, and engaging manner. She brings her years of experience and deep understanding of the Technique to her students: I unhesitatingly recommend Rebecca and OCAT to anyone interested in an outstanding teacher training experience and/or taking private lessons. You will not be disappointed!”